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potted, indoor fressia- dropped flowers, yellowing leaves??

I bought a young(I'm guessing.. 6"-8" tall) Fressia about a week ago. It was doing well at the time of purchase, but it's been all downhill since. Within a few days, the flowers shriveled then finally dropped. Around that time the leaves began to yellow starting at the tip of the leaf gradually making it's way down. Most leaf tips are now a light brown.

As I saw this happening, I varied my care.
It was initially outdoors on my porch that receives only morning sun, then I brought it inside to sit under a north facing window that allows in light all day. Next I tried on my back patio which receives sun from about noon to 7:00pm, but it's so hot right now in North Texas I was afraid to leave it out for more than a day. I returned the Freesia to the window, figuring it was safest for now.

As for watering, I only water if the top inch or so of soil is dry. While watering, I wait for the surface to puddle slightly and then let it drain.

Yesterday, I added maybe an 1/8 tsp. of fertilizer. 3% Nitrogen, 2% Phosphate, 3% Potash, 2% Calcium.

Any and all help or advice would be greatly appreciated- I really do want to save this little guy.


Green Mantis
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Wish I knew what is wrong. Too bad no one answered this???

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