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Chocolate Flowers flowered!

When I ordered Stevia plants for myself, I ordered 2 Chocolate Flowers -- one in each -- for the kids' gardens. I've been waiting for them to blossom and one of them opened yesterday (2 today) -- So the big question: Do they REALLY smell like chocolate? .... YES!!! :D :D :D

I've a small patch of lawn that I've earmarked for a garden, but hadn't decided what to plant. I'm going to collect some seeds and hopefully grow several plants to put in that bed next year (they're supposed to reliably re-seed) A garden bench is already in front of it to enjoy the lovely experience.

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Chocolate Stevia? I didnt know there was such a thing! If it smells like chocolate I think I'll have to get one. Pull peoples legs and say I'm growing chocolate! He he.

I looked online and I didn't see a chocolate one. Does it go by a different name? Where did you get it? Thanks.

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Sorry, I guess my post was confusing. No, no. I meant to say I bought the Chocolate Flowers (Berlandiera lyrata) from the same source as Stevia.

This is NOT where I got them from, but this site has excellent description:

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Hi, applestar

I know this is an old post but could not find a newer thread on Berlandiera lyrata. :(

I hope you will see this thread but, if not, it's understandable.

I was super excited when I found out about this flower last month. I made plans to buy seeds for next spring.

And, I am envisioning the heavenly chocolate scent!

How did this flower perform?

Any place that sells this plant online requires a minimum order. I'm too afraid to drop so much money on a plant that will not work out.

Also, I read that plants grown from seeds take 2 years to flower. :cry:

Lastly, as a consolation prize, I did get myself a chocolate mint! :D


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Thanks for reminding me about this plant. :D
Let's see... The year when I got them, they did OK but did not establish as vigorously as I'd hoped. My fault I think -- I wanted to put them in my Kids' Garden and, at the time, it seemed sunny enough there, but even in the last couple of years, the location has become more shaded. There were only a few flowers. I seem to remember they also became overwhelmed by weeds in the sense that they became stressed and caught what I think was mildew before the season was over. (so I should have planted in much more open sunny spot with better drained soil :oops:)

So yes, to somewhat chocolatey scent but not as much as there could have been. It's said that a whole field (or at least a patch) is needed for good effect. So starting from seeds seems like a good way to go if germination is not difficult. (need to research a bit more there -- one source said up to 90 days to germinate :shock: another said 10-14 days :?)

I think I might explore this plant again since it IS a native plant -- currently my criteria for perennials and re-seeding annuals.

...I did a quick look-around and there seem to be several sources for plants as well as seeds that are sold out for this year -- but may be they'll have more next spring after this year's seed harvest.

So how chocolatey does the chocolate mint smell?

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Yes, in my research for the chocolate daisy, I found a large range of info.

Maybe, there's a swap somewhere that I can join in the fall and get some.

As for the chocolate mint, my husband and I first saw this herb at homedepot.

I HAD to find out how it smelled. I rolled a small leaf between my fingers and the first thing that popped into my head was "oooo, peppermint patty candy".

:D :D

I potted this chocolate mint. I can't smell it unless I put my face to it. So, once in a while to get 'my fix', I pluck a leaf and inhale deeply. :)


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