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kid and dog safe flowers for the backyard

I have some old patio pavers that I am using to make little flower beds along our back fence. I have a 2 year old son & a 3 year old lab, and they both tend to put everything in their mouth, imagine that... a lab and a toddler putting stuff into their mouths.. strange right? :wink:

Being a first time flower gardener, I don't really know anything about what flowers I need to stay away from for safetys sake, if any. WIfe is worried about poisonous flowers and what not.

THe beds will be not have any sun until late morning as the fence will block it, and they will only have partial sun for the rest of the day.
I just want some easy to care for flowers for the summer.

Any suggestions for a few flowers that don't need a ton of attention that would look nice against a red fence?

THanks in advance!!

Super Green Thumb
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I recommend looking up the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals' (ASPCA) website and reading through their list of toxic plants. (I'd give you the link, but I can't get their site to load.)

If it's safe for dogs and cats, it's *most likely* safe for your child. Not 100% guaranteed, but definitely better than no information at all. :)

So my next step would be to print out the list and take it to your pediatrician's office. Call ahead and ask the lead nurse whether the office has a list of toxic plants.

Compare the two lists so that you have a comprehensive list of plants toxic to dogs, cats, *and/or* kids. Take it from there. :)

Cynthia H.
Sunset Zone 17, USDA Zone 9

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