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Cinabnett Journey. I just want to share.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 5:24 pm
by Cinabnett
I just want to share my excitement with somebody! I was raised on a small farm in Florida where we did a lot of planting but the last time I planted anything was when I was 16 now I am 26. So 10 years of not growing. I recently moved to Knoxville TN and now everything is a learning experience. The soil is different and now I have to worry about winter and cold spells.

All the pictures I post today are of my transplants/ thinnings I will post others as I get them transplanted.


Normal sized Cukes:


My habanaros/cayennes/birds eye peppers

My pickles:




My okra leaves look like they are wilting which kind of worries me but I don't know how okra grows. Also is it normal for the beginning leaves of my cukes to be dying?

Edited Finally got the picture problem worked out!

Re: Cinabnett Journey. I just want to share.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 8:43 pm
by applestar
Looks like you are having a lot of fun! :D

What kind of potting mix are you using? It looks like all peat or maybe coir. The medium may be holding too much moisture without perlite or sand, etc. to provide better draining mixture. It would contain no nutrients to feed them.

This may be why you are seeing issues now that they are growing true leaves and needing building blocks to grow with.

They would definitely need a little fertilizer, especially cukes and okra are heavy feeders. But if you are using peat, it may be too acidic for them as well.

This would be the time to figure things like this out,

Do you know when you will be able to plant them out? When is your last average frost? You may run into problems if your planting date is 2-3 weeks away. You may end up considering these "practice" but watching them grow and learning how they grow is an useful experience.

Re: Cinabnett Journey. I just want to share.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:46 pm
by Cinabnett
Mainly I am using Miracle Gro Expand and grow. I know it isn't peat moss for sure. However with the Okra It is Miracle Gro Expand and Grow mixed with potting soil. The Okra is the leaves that are wilting. I also know that I just transplanted them and sometimes it can cause shock to a plant. But with my cukes and peppers, I received little to no wilting. I just want these okra to thrive so I can eat all the yummy morsels that it produces...The cukes are doing amazing though. They have already started growing another leaf or to since being in their new home.

Re: Cinabnett Journey. I just want to share.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:47 pm
by Cinabnett
Oh I also forgot to mention to your feeding comment that the Miracle grow says it feeds the plants up to 6 months, should I add more fertilizer so early? We also just had another heavy frost last night. I will be travelling to FL on may 1st. I was unsure if I should plant them before or after with this temperamental cold snaps we have been having

Re: Cinabnett Journey. I just want to share.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 6:07 am
by Juliuskitty
Everything but the Okra looks great. That okra needs light, its getting leggy, IMHO. I think the yellowing of the leaves is possibly due to a little overwatering. Loving them too much! :lol: Can you get them some filtered shady sun, and begin hardening off yet? Also, the beginning leaves ( cotyledons ) can yellow normally on the cukes, and other plants too, but usually that is when the plants are a little more mature.
I bet if you let them dry out a little, then next watering use a little very dilute epsom salts to water, and they will green up right away.
I hope this is helpful. :)

Re: Cinabnett Journey. I just want to share.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 4:18 pm
by McKinney88
Glad to see a fellow TN gardener! I am on the east side of Memphis. I too am growing okra but I just planted the seed in the ground last weekend. I had to protect my plants the past two nights with the cold temps at night we had.

Re: Cinabnett Journey. I just want to share.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 12:06 am
by Cinabnett
I know! That is the reason some of my plants are a little leggy because of the temperamental TN weather....

Re: Cinabnett Journey. I just want to share.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 7:09 pm
by Cola82
What a cute set up!

I know few members of this forum are miracle gro fans--you may want to check the bag to see if it contains peat, and how much. I use a looser, all-purpose potting soil for starting indoors.

Anyway, I'm sure you'll be fine. It sounds like this isn't your first rodeo.