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Cdog's garden patch / Saint Louis area

It was a beautiful summer day in the Saint Louis area today, and I was inspired to take a few pictures to share. My little patch is a work in progress (aren't they all!), and is constantly evolving. Some areas have received more attention than others, but all in all it's been a productive corner of the yard, and my favorite place to spend time :P

Here are a few things going in my garden today :
This is my gardening buddy.  He likes to hang with me when I'm doing my thing.  Some neighbors were shooting off fireworks this afternoon, which he is not fond of.  He did feel slightly more secure hiding under a pepper plant.
This is my gardening buddy. He likes to hang with me when I'm doing my thing. Some neighbors were shooting off fireworks this afternoon, which he is not fond of. He did feel slightly more secure hiding under a pepper plant.
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These are my hop vines.  This is their 3rd growing season, and I'm confident I will have enough hops for a few batches of homebrew this year.  Last season I was able to harvest about a gallon's worth, but I'm still learning and harvested them a bit too soon.  Now I know!  At any rate, I'm a little nervous about what next year will bring - these vines have easily increased the number of vines between last year and this year tenfold.  I've been able to keep it under control with reasonable effort this year, but if I'm looking at another tenfold increase by next year, I may have to reconsider growing my own hops....
These are my hop vines. This is their 3rd growing season, and I'm confident I will have enough hops for a few batches of homebrew this year. Last season I was able to harvest about a gallon's worth, but I'm still learning and harvested them a bit too soon. Now I know! At any rate, I'm a little nervous about what next year will bring - these vines have easily increased the number of vines between last year and this year tenfold. I've been able to keep it under control with reasonable effort this year, but if I'm looking at another tenfold increase by next year, I may have to reconsider growing my own hops....
Celebrity tomatoes.  Not the most exciting, I know...however...I know that regardless of what happens to any of my 'fancy' tomatoes, I will always get a bucket of these and they will be much better than anything at the grocery.
Celebrity tomatoes. Not the most exciting, I know...however...I know that regardless of what happens to any of my 'fancy' tomatoes, I will always get a bucket of these and they will be much better than anything at the grocery.
celebrity.jpg (47.8 KiB) Viewed 875 times
This is my patch of romas for canning later.  I have 18 or so plants somewhat crammed into about half of a 5 x 10 raised bed.  They seem to be a little more forgiving with being close to their neighbors.  Tons of flowers and little tomatoes!
This is my patch of romas for canning later. I have 18 or so plants somewhat crammed into about half of a 5 x 10 raised bed. They seem to be a little more forgiving with being close to their neighbors. Tons of flowers and little tomatoes!
I just thought this was a cool pic - all kinds of tendrils on different types of plants are fascinating to me.  This is a second year grape plant grabbing onto his temporary support.
I just thought this was a cool pic - all kinds of tendrils on different types of plants are fascinating to me. This is a second year grape plant grabbing onto his temporary support.
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Cucumbers are working on some true leaves.  I planted them a little later than I normally would - probably could have waited another couple weeks.  I'm hoping that by altering planting times a little here and there I can avoid the peak pest times.
Cucumbers are working on some true leaves. I planted them a little later than I normally would - probably could have waited another couple weeks. I'm hoping that by altering planting times a little here and there I can avoid the peak pest times.
cucumbers.jpg (66.66 KiB) Viewed 875 times
Tomorrow is supposed to bring a hi temp of 72 degrees or so and sun - a rare July day in this part of the country. I'm hoping to have a few hours in the afternoon to be outside to soak a little bit of the nice weather up - it's not going to last long!

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Looking good! :clap:

...hiding under the pepper plant... :lol:

...totally agree that grape tendril looks cool! the monarda and echinacea in full bloom -- you'll have plenty of pollinators visiting your garden :D

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Greener Thumb
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Looking good. I have always had good luck with Celebrity as well.

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Your garden is looking good!! Enjoy this cool July day. This won't last long!!


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