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Re: VEG Garden Report -- What did you do today?

I haven't posted in this thread yet, mostly because by the end of the day I'm pretty tired and I don't dare re-visit all the stuff we've been doing in the garden. Lots of work, but the payoff is in sight!

The last couple days have been remarkably non-work-filled compared to the past 4 months. Mostly deadheaded some flowers and stared at the little tomatoes, willing them to ripen faster! But this morning we had a deeply water-soaked yard from a desert thunderstorm yesterday afternoon. Likely the last rain of the season until the monsoons in August. I had had other plans for today, but I went out and weeded the rock garden instead. Even some stubborn old souls gave up easily and came out all the way to the bottom of their bottomless taproots. Then, I cleaned up the side of the house and prepped a few bales of hay and straw for the lawnmower tomorrow. The weather is getting warmer and I have been ignoring the need to mulch for too long.

Before dinner, I hung up the hummingbird feeder that I bought during the week. I've never had one before, but wow, within 30 minutes of it going up, we had our first visitor, that, as I type, is still coming back for sips as the sun begins to set. I hope the little fella hangs around and eats lots of bugs.

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The weather is still muggy and more rain is expected so I sprayed neem on the tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, beans and roses again. Good thing I just pruned my roses. They don't have too many leaves to mildew.

At the herb garden I planted leeks, onions and Haricot Vert bush beans. I started to weed out the gotu cola and pulled out some very ancient leeks. They may still be useable for soup, but much to tough to eat. I also planted a couple of borage and shiso, and fertilized selectively with nitrogen. My sunflowers are blooming so I am enjoying them now. Caught a couple of stink bugs, but a few more of them got away.

More rain is forecast which means more weeds and the grass will need to be whacked again.

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