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How to Transplant 8 Foot Rose


I inherited a garden last summer with two beautiful, well established albeit neglected Queen Elizabeth roses. I have gently pruned them since and kept them healthy and flowering. The most well established and tallest of the two is growing very close to a footpath that is due to be smashed up and re-laid. I am looking for any advice on how best to protect this beautiful plant whilst the work is in progress. I suspect that some roots are currently under the footpath (it's around 8ft tall and approx 1ft away from the footpath). It is currently still flowering.

Should I hard prune it before the work starts then lift it when I can get to the roots and replant when the work is finished or leave it to take it's chances?

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Timing is everything. The rose does need to be cut back, but make sure it has been fed well prior to the move so it has the energy to come back. Moving a rose is best while it is dormant. See the link below on moving an established rose. ... ing-roses/

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