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Identify and Pruning


I received what was supposed to be Mr Lincoln roses and they definitely are not! They do not like full sun or really even partial, and they seem to like to be fairly drier than any roses I have ever had. So, I am trying to identify them and learn proper care. I'm guessing it's about time to prune them, but since they are temperamental, I would like some confirmation. They look very similar to the Memorial Day variety, but the only experience I have with them is from an already established group.

I have a picture of the last bloom and a closeup of the leaves. Any information you have would be helpful. I tried researching it myself, but could only seem to figure out that it is a hyrbid tea variety!


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Just wanted to welcome to the forum Toni689. Sorry, I can't help you with the identification of this rose, but there are some knowledgeable folks here that may be able to give you some insight.

Bonsai Snoopy
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It looks similar to my Hybrid Tea Fragrant Cloud. I’m new as well. :D

Bonsai Snoopy
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I can attach some photos just let me know. :D
Have a good evening!

Bonsai Snoopy
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Sorry to post so much. It also could be a Hybrid Tea Anna’s Promise. :D

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How tall is the rose (how long are the canes) and how many flowers does it put out at any time? Does it flower singly or in clusters? Is the rose neck strong or weak (do the flowers droop)? What is the petal count? What kind of fragrance does it have? What is the bud form ovoid or classic urn?

I don't think it is fragrant cloud. I have had that rose and it is not a pink rose.

The leaves in the picture are young but they look a little yellow and your stems are thin. It may be because the rose is not fully flushed out yet. It may be from the sun, but looks more like it needs to be fed and in well drained soil.

Most roses like the sun, but if the rose was was indoors or in the shade for a time, you will still have to harden it off. Very few roses do well in shade, Mr. Lincoln and Chrysler Imperial were the only two that I had that tolerated being in a shady corner that got rain pouring off the roof onto them and still came through it all unfazed.

Can you show a picture of the entire rose. It does look like a tea rose and not a shrub rose but pruning is an art and you have to make decisions on pruning on an individual basis.

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