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Real Cause of yellow leaves on Hybrid Roses

please help me to know what's wrong with my hybrid rose. it used to be a healthy plant. I'm confused with some of the advice that says "too much fertilezer. water it to dilute the fertilizer" and "too much watering"

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A lot of things can cause yellowing with a rose.
both over an underwatering can cause yellowing wilting and leaf drop. The biggest difference is with underwatering the soil is very dry, the leaves wilt or curl and they are crispy

When you over water, the soil is moist to soggy a few inches down, but the leaves are still wilted or dropping. Leaves are soft and limp but not crispy. Leaves usually dies from the tips going brown there first. If you were to look at the roots they would be soft or rotting. The dead roots makes it hard for the plant to move water from the roots to the leaves so the leaves starve to death as though they did not get any water. ... ur-plants/

Roses are prone to several fungal and bacterial diseases. Which cause yellowing and spotting of the leaves or mildew on the leaves. They are most prone to fungal disease when the leaves remain wet for prolonged times with poor air circulation and when the weather is very wet and humid. ... oblems.pdf
Signs to look for when you over water. ... rwatering/
Sometimes yellowing is such a general symptom that it is hard to tell exactly what is causing it. However, nutrient deficiencies usually do follow a pattern ... -problems/

Your rose leaves are yellow with necrotic spots mostly at the edges and tips and it appears all over the plant
There are no spots on the leaves so it is unlikely to be blackspot
The leaf color otherwise looks evenly green not pale and veins are not prominent so unlikely to be a micronutrient deficiency
Look under the leaves for pests?

Look at the history?
When did it start yellowing? Did you have a lot of rain and was the water pooling in the yard?
How often are you watering? Is is getting worse, the more you water?
Do the plants wilt? when?
If they wilt in midday and perk up with cooler weather or after a deep drink, you are underwatering
If the leaves are wilting but don't perk up or leaves keep yellowing and falling even though the soil feels wet, it was over watered.

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Thank you very much for replying. I will study everything that you wrote. We have snow on december and the rose bushes developed molds so I cut the branches that were affected. I also put fish fertilizer to boost the growth. Two weeks ago I dug around the bush to pull the grass runners. Last night, I sprayed grass killer on the grass surrounding the bush. The grass was not shown in the picture. Thank you once again. It is a great relief to have found some good advice.

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