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My roses are so healthy this year!

I never used to be "into" roses, but as time goes on, I become more and more hooked. They are so healthy this year and looking great. My "Everlasting Love" is flowering, but everything else is full of buds; the promise of a very colorful season :D

I have: Flower Girl - I love this rose! It has clusters of pink flowers with yellow centers. It gets pretty large and drapes elegantly over the top of my garden fence (I DO have to get my camera fixed so I can send pics!)
Baby Blanket Groundcover rose - the foliage is such a shiny, healthy green and loaded with buds.
French Perfume - intoxicating fragrance! Blooms a beautiful pink with yellow. If left outside to open fully, pink becomes more intense, but if I bring it inside to enjoy it, the pink stays a softer, prettier color.
Don Juan climber - this is a new one for me this year. Just forming its first buds, and I'm excited to think it will cover a blank fence in the east side of the garden in vibrant red.
Ballerina - I appreciate her "ramblimg" characteristics. This year, the branches are already hanging over the garden fence and trining through the slats. It's going to be a great compliment to the tall verbena bonarienses that shares its space.

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Iam happy for you:)
I was never into roses neither, I always thought they were too hard to grow. I have been growing roses for a year now Iam hooked I love roses, I have four, one hot pink mysterious roses I got from walmart last year I bought it bare root for a $1.25 I nursed it back to health it doing extremely well this year with all the rain down here in NC they have a lot of buds. I have lavender roses my favorite roses I also bought from walmart and nursed back to health its doing well this year it has lots of buds as well. I don't know the names of any of theses roses I think they are both hybrid tea's. I think maybe the lavender roses are florabundas because the cane are some what thicker then the hot pink roses I have and they bloom in clusters. I bought over the mail roses april in paris they are bare root I had them in the ground for about a month I can't wait to see those bloom and smell I have a shrub I planted about two months ago John F kennedy they are giving me a hard time. the tips of the cane are black some of the canes are black down the middle and when they start to get buds the buds dry out I have no idea what to do? should I leave it or should I replace its? any advice would be greatly appreciated :D . I hope you have a very Bless week and happy gardening :)

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Glad to find someone with the same new-found love for roses :D

I think any tips that are black or dried up should be trimmed away. I would cut down to where you see new growth to create new energy for the plant to produce healthy shoots. Also, look at the end of the stem. Sometimes roses get a worm that burrows down the cane and will kill the whole plant if not if not treated. Any canes with a little hole at the end should be removed.

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Thank you gardenmom for the advice, I will defiently do that to my rose bush thanks again god bless you :wink:

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