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Christ rose

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 6:16 am
by deep_sing
Hi All,

I am new to forum not sure sure if I have picked up the right thread.

Need some advice on caring Christmas Rose. My Christmas rose is not doing well.

Re: Christ rose

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 9:19 pm
by Lindsaylew82
Hi! Welcome to the forum!

Can you tell us a little about your growing conditions? Your location, while doesn't need to be hyperspecific, needs a tiny bit more specificity! :()

Is your plant in shade or sun? Water conditions? Soil type? The more information you can offer the better!

Looking forward to your posts!


Re: Christ rose

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 11:52 pm
by rainbowgardener
To start with your "Christmas Rose" is of course, not a rose at all, not even related. It is a hellebore, in the buttercup family.

It needs partial shade, especially protection from hot summer afternoon sun. Its best location is under deciduous trees, where it can be shaded in summer, but get sunlight in winter, which is its blooming season. It needs deep, fertile, well draining but moist soil with lots of organics like compost/peat moss/ broken down leaves mixed in the soil.