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Mini roses are really weak and green leaves are falling off

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:46 am
by Bekkahlynn
Please help me. I'm usually pretty good at growing plants (for someone with no actual knowledge of gardening) but for Valentine's day my boyfriend bought me these amazing mini roses. They wer beautiful and blooming. He didnt want to buy me fake anymore because they always die (and I dry them out and put them in mason jars to keep forever ❤❤❤) so this year he bought me a beautiful mini rose bush and told me " its just like our love, it will never die.."
Well dang. I cant let this thing die. I have been fighting with it since 2 weeks after Valentine's day. First the blooms fell off, then alot of the leaves died and fell off, now the leaves don't even turn brown befor they die. What am I doing wrong? I keep is moist, I gave it a larger pot, I trim off dead stubs, and I fertilize. I give it outside time once a week. What do I do?? I couldnt live with myself if this cutie died....

Re: Mini roses are really weak and green leaves are falling

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:53 am
by Bekkahlynn
:cry: this is thismorning...

Re: Mini roses are really weak and green leaves are falling

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:46 pm
by imafan26
As a first guess, it probably is going dormant because it is not getting enough light. Gradually train it to more light, take it outside in the early morning for an hour in a shady spot. Every day extend the time and move it into a little more light until it is in full sun.
That mini rose are actually several rose cuttings. Check the roots. If it is pot bound you can up pot. If the rose recovers you can probably divide them into several pots. Get some rose food and feed them or miracle grow for acid loving plants. Give them only half strength when you don't have a lot of leaves.