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How Grow iceberg rose standard without grafting

Hi All. Is it possible to 'train' my icerberg rose to become a 'standard rose' of some sort? I know it might not be as pretty as a grafted rose. the bottom cane section might be a little 'crooked'. I am also okay with 'training' two canes up the support.

but is it possible? Please don't discuss about the benefits of grafting etc. I am trying to do this on a budget. I have a long flower bed which can accommodate a lot of standard roses at 4' on center spacing. that will cost me a lot if I get proper mature grafted standards. see attached image of an example plant I am already 'training'.

appreciate any advice!
attempted standard.JPG

Greener Thumb
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Here in the semi frozen north it probably wouldn't work. So many times the old canes don't survive the winter.

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but what about sunny southern california?

Greener Thumb
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It's worth a shot. All the pictures I saw had heavy duty supports holding the stems so you may have to change your post as the plant matures.

They are absolutely lovely. I would try some if I thought it would work.

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Thanks! good idea on the more sturdy posts. I'll get going on that

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You want to use something that will snugly but securely hold the stem immobile against the support. I would recommend the tomato ties -- either Velcro or sponge rubber coated wire. This way you can make micro adjustments as it grows.

With these, you can wrap once tightly around the support, so the stem won't rub against the support, then all the way around the stem and support a couple of times.

Use a sturdier stake from the beginning -- thicker than the plastic-coated hollow metal one you have now, which tends to sag under stress, bend and kink. Tie about 4 inches from the ground, then every 2-3 inches to maintain straight cane.

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