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Rose roots

I am attempting to transplant an old rose that is currently in deep shade. I'm finding that the single long route is about 2 feet long. can I cut this root or must I did get all the way out. So frustrated, I'm just trying to save a rose that won't grow or bloom.

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Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

The root can be cut, I would be more concerned with the number of canes you have. There aren't very many and they look pretty small. If you cut the roots, you will also have to cut the top. I don't know where you are but roses are usually dug up while they are dormant in the fall or January. They are usually not dug up just before summer.

I would consider refilling the hole with some compost mixed with good soil and fertilizer. Feed the rose more to build up stronger canes and try digging up the rose in the fall instead. I have grown roses with limited sun. They got a lot taller but they still bloomed when they were regularly fed.

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I'm in eastern Massachusetts, my second spring here. The rose did not grow at all last summer. I worked on a different part of the yard last year and forgot all about this sad little rose until now. It is directly under a spiraea, forsythia and a large maple.
There are several plants and bushes that have been here forever and are now in deep shade under the maple. I also have two medium sized lilacs that that only had three blooms between them last year. I'm also attempting to move them, not an easy task!!

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Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

It sounds like it is not only shade which would limit flowers, but growth that is stalled. Sounds like the treess are also sucking up all the nutrients in the area as well. Good luck with moving the plants but it will be hard to move them and get them started again if they have been starved. I'd still try to feed everything to boost them up before moving anything. Feeding them and opening up the canopy might be enough to make everything happier.

If you do move the rose, you will have to plant it in a deep rich soil and water it a couple of times a day for about 6 weeks until it gets established again. You should also prune and feed it after blooming or every six weeks or so.

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I am having this exact same problem! I started digging the rose because all the forums said to move it before it starts to grow. Did you end up cutting the root?

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