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Rose Help

Went to check on my roses and saw the leaves like this. What can be causing this? And how do I treat it?

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That I believe is black spot, I am dealing with it right now also. You can get a treatment for it from your local garden store. I am using Bayer. It feeds the roses and helps keep insects off the roses and helps control the black spot. Unfortunately with roses you usually have to spray them every 5 weeks or so with a spray that controls the black spot. You will want to remove any leaves that have the black spots on them and either burn them or put in a tied bag and dispose of them. Any leaves that are left on the ground by the plant can spread the black spot. It is a fungus that loves roses.

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Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Some roses are more susceptible than others. If you live in a humid area it is best to select roses with glossy leaves.

Otherwise, roses need to be sprayed regularly when the weather is humid to prevent the problem.
There are some effective systemics but, they are harmful to bees so you should use a short acting systemic and cut the buds off to limit exposure to the bees.

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Remove as many of affected leaves as you can and throw them in a plastic bag - do not compost under any circumstance. Black spot is a menace fungus and spreads very fast by droplets of water spraying on affected roses. Make sure you do not water roses overhead and also pick up any fallen leaves that are on the ground so plants do not get re-infected. I personally like to fight fungal diseases with natural sprays, and my favorites are Neem Oil and Sulfur dusting. Both smell bad LOL, but generally I need to apply them 2 or 3 times a year for full and natural protection without any toxicity to environment or myself.

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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Actually depending on where you live, you have to spray when the weather is warm and humid or just before or after rain stops. Fungal sprays work best if sprayed preventively. Most fungal disease cannot be cured very well. You just have to keep the plants as dry as possible and remove any infested leaves from the plant and the ground. Anti fungal treatments don't cure infested leaves but can help new leaves that are not infected yet.

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