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Help with Roses

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 6:55 pm
by Gary350
I know almost nothing about Roses. They seem to grow much better in AZ that TN.

I have a rose bush in the back yard. It was trimmed down to a stump and this spring it grew 4 feet tall and made probably 500 very beautiful pink flowers. All the flowers have dried up and turned brown.

Now what?

How do I get more flowers?

Re: Help with Roses

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 7:07 am
by rainbowgardener
To start with cut off all the finished flowers (known as deadheading). Your rose won't rebloom (if it is going to) if all those flowers set seed. It will be finished.

Since it probably pretty well exhausted itself putting on a show like that, now would be a good time to add a bunch of compost in the soil or feed it with a balanced fertilizer and water well.

HOWEVER, whether or not your rose will re-bloom depends in large part on the variety. Most of the modern varieties have been bred to bloom twice or several times in a season. Many of the old varieties bloomed once and were done. If that is the case, nothing you can do will induce it to bloom again.

If it is going to bloom again, most likely it will be in fall after it has had a chance to rest and recoup.