Hello, everyone. I'm new to the forum and to gardening. My husband got me a beautiful mini rose bush for Valentine's day, and, unbeknownst to me, this plant actually consisted of three small rose bushes. They got root-bound pretty quickly, so I replanted them in a miracle grow soil that they really like in a larger pot. The plant has been doing fantastic so far, growing like crazy. I'm afraid it's almost time to replant it again. I was thinking about planting it in a large pot for its permanent home. It got blackspot a few days ago (we live in Florida where the humidity is nearly impossible to beat)... but I caught it early and sprayed it down which seems to have, if not completely eliminated, definitely helped the blackspot.
My question is, should I replant these plants individually or keep them together? I am afraid that if I try to break them up I might damage the roots, but I am also afraid that if I keep them together they won't have enough room to "breathe" after rain and may be more prone to blackspot.
I need help! Thanks in advance!
Also, I inherited several beautiful planted rose bushes with the house my husband and I just bought, but I can't seem to fight off the blackspot they keep getting. I spent hours picking off diseased leaves and throwing them away, and even sprayed with fungicide a couple times (not very organic of me, I know... typically I'm much more environmentally friendly than that), but the blackspot doesn't seem to want to go away. Any suggestions?
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ashleylikesflowers wrote:Hello, everyone. I'm new to the forum and to gardening. My husband got me a beautiful mini rose bush for Valentine's day, and, unbeknownst to me, this plant actually consisted of three small rose bushes. They got root-bound pretty quickly, so I replanted them in a miracle grow soil that they really like in a larger pot. The plant has been doing fantastic so far, growing like crazy. I'm afraid it's almost time to replant it again. I was thinking about planting it in a large pot for its permanent home. It got blackspot a few days ago (we live in Florida where the humidity is nearly impossible to beat)... but I caught it early and sprayed it down which seems to have, if not completely eliminated, definitely helped the blackspot.
My question is, should I replant these plants individually or keep them together? I am afraid that if I try to break them up I might damage the roots, but I am also afraid that if I keep them together they won't have enough room to "breathe" after rain and may be more prone to blackspot.
I need help! Thanks in advance!
Also, I inherited several beautiful planted rose bushes with the house my husband and I just bought, but I can't seem to fight off the blackspot they keep getting. I spent hours picking off diseased leaves and throwing them away, and even sprayed with fungicide a couple times (not very organic of me, I know... typically I'm much more environmentally friendly than that), but the blackspot doesn't seem to want to go away. Any suggestions?
I would divide your min. rose plants and re-pot them. Just make sure to gently separate them, and keep them well watered, especially until well established. They should do real well in the pots with a good potting mix like Miracle Gro.
Black spot is definitely a big problem in the south, and unless you're going to grow cultivars such as the Knock Out series of roses, Rugosa's, and some others, there's no getting away from spraying to control it (black spot)
I prefer using a copper based product called Soap Shield.
( www.gardensalive.com )With regular, weekly use, you can get the problem under control. Luckily this is very effective, because if I had to spray all those toxic chemicals such as those made by Ortho and others, I would never bother growing any rose cultivars that are prone to Black Spot.