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Disease on roses

I've been clipping the dead in the picture off but it seems to be spreading and I'm not sure what or why. Can someone please help.

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It looks like scale. It is pest not a disease.

You can see them on the stem and also near the veins on the leaf.

Scale are hard bodied sucking pests and their shells protect them. Horticultural oil can smother them but you won't know if you got them because even if the pests dies the shells will remain intact.

If you are willing to dis bud your roses for a couple of months, Bayer Systemic Rose and Flower care will control them. There are two formulations the more expensive one contains fertilizer and a fungicide as well that will also control the dreaded black spot and mildew. It lasts up to 8 weeks.

Read the label and follow all the precautions.

Imidacloprid is very toxic to bees and that is why you should prevent the roses from flowering while it is being treated.

The only way I know of to get the scale off the plant is to use soapy water and a brush. If you have good control you won't see more scale appear.

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Posts: 28
Joined: Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:11 am
Location: Kentucky

Thanks very much for the info! I will look for Bayer Systemic Rose and Flower care at my local nursery. I have some Neam oil here, would that work on Scales too?

Also, if I do kill them and the shells stay does that mean the rose will still look like that and I should cut the affected parts off or will they heal themselves?

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