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Greener Thumb
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Rose Rosette Disease

Anyone else here suffering from this horrible disease that has no cure (so far)?

My decades old climbing "Blaze" roses, along with another old-fashioned climbing variety that we inherited with the property have both passed on thanks to this nightmare. Along with the host wild Multiflora we used to have everywhere.

Apparently once it strikes your property, your rose-raising days are over. Too sad. :cry:

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I have heard that all you can do is protect your roses with insecticides. Sprays will be the only preventative as systemic pesticides would kill the disease carrying bug only after it has transmitted the disease. I have read about reports of RRD in a city about an hour and a half from me. That's a little too close for comfort, but what do you do? Just hope it stays away, and if it strikes dig the affected roses up and burn them. You can't plant anything in its place for at least 2 years I've read. I also believe I read that it only affects floribunda type shrub roses, not grandifloras I think so you could always just plant hybrid teas if it strikes.

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Greener Thumb
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Around here it's affected every rose on the property. I didn't plant any, but inherited some really nice ones that are now pretty much gone thanks to this horrible mite. Absolutely NO rose is safe from this travesty. NO rose. I've spent a lot of time researching it & at the same time watching all my roses catch the "witches broom" syndrome, as it's called, & eventually expire. It's utterly sad. And SO common around here, that I'm stymied as to why there isn't more research about it.

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I have not heard of this disease. I may not be here yet. So far my old roses are chugging along. Thanks for the heads up, though, I'll ask the rose society if it is a problem here.

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