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Cascading rose

Can a climbing/rambling rose be used to cascade downwards instead of climbing a trellis? Suppose I have a terraced yard. Can I plan the rose on the top terrace and have it waterfall down to the terrace below? I wouldn't put up a trellis, but I want it to flow downwards. Is this possible?

Posts: 14067
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

A rambling rose will ramble anywhere but it will want to ramble toward the sun. If your hillside is East facing (Diamond Head), it should ramble pretty much in the direction you want it to go. If not you will have to move and tie the vines but you may still have a few that want to stick up and turn.

Ground cover roses are good on hillsides. I asked J&P why they were called ground cover roses when they were three feet high and I was told because they had a five foot spread. The two ground cover roses I know are Baby Blanket and Electric Blanket, Petal pushers and Beach blanket. They are all sold by Jackson and Perkins. I did get Electric and Baby Blanket. Electric Blanket bit the dust, but baby blanket keeps on going. It is very disease resistant and even the rose beetles don't seem to bother it much, but I don't have a lot of rose beetles anyway. They might be better than the rambler since the ramblers tend to have most of the roses on the tips anyway and you would be looking at the canes most of the time.

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Location: Hawaii

Thanks Imafan. I didn't know there were ground cover roses. I'll look them up.

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Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2012 7:01 pm
Location: Hawaii

Oh, Imafan, can J&P ship bare roots and potted plants to Hawaii? I thought we can't have plants shipped here.

Posts: 14067
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Yes they do ship to Hawaii. The easiest way to tell if anyone ships is to look at their shipping information page. Bare root roses will be shipped but they charged and extra fee to " clean the dirt off'--- the bare root roses. Some things are usually not shipped like potted plants, bulbs, crowns. Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico usually are excluded and 'free shipping' is only to the 48 continguous states, so I usually order enough to make it worthwhile otherwise the shipping can cost more than the product.

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