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curing blind shoots

I bought 5 cutting of different roses about 45 days back. All the roses grew and gave 4-5 blooms, one of the roses didn't bloom at all. It had 3 flowers at the time of purchase, but now it's just producing canes but no flowers. Please help me! the roses were a very rare color, blood orange. I'm in india, zone 12, but there were quite some heavy showers for 2-3 weeks after the purchase, so the weather was not too warm or too cold. I water the plant twice, once in the early morning after sunrise and couple of hours before sunset. I fed organic nitrogen fertilizer and some leftover meat or blood leftover from food, and 2 bananas so far. please help! thank you in advance!

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Wait... TWO times every day :eek:?

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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Roses need watering until they are established, but after about three weeks I start backing off on the water and they do fine with deep watering once or twice a week. Otherwise they can rot.

Roses are heavy feeders and should be fed regularly. To get more blooms you should be pruning roses after the bloom. the higher up you cut the canes, the smaller the bloom will be and roses will only bloom on new wood. Make sure to make proper pruning cuts in a vase shape and cut out the weak and dead growth.

I live in zone 12A, humidity and rain are a problem so you need to have a regular anti fungal spray program or use something like Systemic Rose Care which protects the roses against most chewing pests, black spot and mildew. I don't know what would be available there. I have a problem with canes dying back so it is important that the pruners be clean. Spray the pruner with pure alcohol between each cut and if I cut branches more than 1/2 inch (1cm) thick, I also use pruning paint.

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Thank you for the advice imafan26! I pruned all the blind shoots and I was left the original leaves it had when I bought it. after I cut the shoots, the original branch started producing flowers (yet to bloom) but the part where I pruned the shoots is producing blind shoots. I feed the rose almost every 4 to 5 days with blood or bones, or bananas. I used neem oil as fungicide and so far the plant is very healthy. I will take up your advice and put it to practice. Thank you!

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Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

I'm glad it worked out. Roses sucker. Just keep pruning out the weak growth so you will get bigger flowers. Make sure you sterilize your pruners with each cut. The rose society here recommends cleaning the pruners regularly with a degreaser (it removes sap Here we can find that at an automotive store or section of a department store. It is used to degrease engines). After every cut, spray the pruners with alcohol to disinfect it before making the next cut. It cuts down on transmission of disease. I also use pruning paint on cuts larger than 1 cm. It rains nearly every night so large cuts can cause die back unless I seal them.

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