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Help me choose a rose plant

I am very new to gardening and need all the help I can. I want to start slow, but take the right steps. Step 1 - get a wonderful rose plant.
I am looking for suggestions for a rose that meets the following criteria:
1. Grows in Zone 6 (Maryland)
2. Blooms year round or atleast most of the year
3. Is AMAZINGly fragrant
4. Is disease resistant
5. Looks pretty
6. Easy to grow
7. We do have deer occasionally visit our garden - so probably a species that deer would not prefer would be a good idea.

All input is greatly appreciated. Reading around I thought the Double delight may be good - but I have no real life experience with that rose plant.


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Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

The rugosa roses are probably the most pest resistant but they are not the prettiest, they have nasty thorns and can get quite large. They do make beautiful rose hips and they are full of vitamin C.

Roses are not usually a beginners plant, but they are beautiful.

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Location: Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

Check the Heirloom Roses web site, they have a great search tool for weeding down to your preferences. If nothing else you can call them for an opinion. I purchased from them before, they have great service and beautiful selection of roses.

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