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Rose bloom
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Location: Zone 10b/Southern California

Rose hips

My grandpa's rose plant never seems to get any hips. Does anyone know why? By the way, it is eden climber. Does it even get hips??? :oops:

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As far as I can tell most roses will make hips if they are pollinated well. If they don't get pollinated, then no hips form.

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Rose bloom
Green Thumb
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Location: Zone 10b/Southern California

Thanks both of you. Marlingardener I once read a book that was called "The Mystery of Red Gate Farm". :o

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Rose bloom
Green Thumb
Posts: 383
Joined: Tue Dec 17, 2013 7:06 pm
Location: Zone 10b/Southern California

My grandpa says he saw some hips on it sometimes. I understand now. Thanks again! :-D :wink: :wink:

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