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13 yr. old lilac that has bloomed ONCE.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 9:46 pm
by cherylaine
My father-in-law came to visit us in our new home over 13 yrs ago bearing a very special gift. A lilac shoot from his own bush at home. He and my husband planted it and since that day, 13 years ago, it has only had one bloom. And it hasn't grown much either. It still only stands about four feet tall. We have never pruned it because of its small size. I don't want to lose this plant. My father-in-law died the following year and each time I look at it, I think of him. Can someone please help? Thank you. :( [/b]

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 10:28 pm
by froggy
Common reasons for lilacs not to bloom are pruning at the wrong time of year (apparently not the case), not enough sunlight (upwards of 6h a day I think it should be), or too much nitrogen in the fertilizer.
It would probably not hurt to check the soil composition and ph level, just in case...

but this is all reading knowledge, now I'll let some people with actual experience speak up. :D

good luck

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:35 am
by hendi_alex
I had a clematis that grew for several years and would never flower. One year I dumped some wood ashes around the root zone and the plants has flowered in grand fashion ever since. You should probably read up on the lilac before taking any action, but my point is that it is often just a simple adjustment that is the difference between a plant flowering or not. Also, since this plant is has such strong sentimental value, you may want to take several cuttings and start some additional plants from the one that you have. Lilacs will root from cuttings or you can pull a low growing branch down and cover with dirt, after rooting the branch can be removed from the parent and can be potted or replanted. Any way, getting some cuttings to root would be like having insurance prior to making adjustments to the original plant.

I have several potted lilacs that bloomed this year. They were purchase last year. But I have read that sometimes lilacs will sit for years without blooming. Clearly yours is not growing adequately if it is a large variety yet is only 4 feet after so many years.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:25 pm
by froggy
There is a lot of info on lilacs [url=]to be found on this site here...[/url]

Maybe it'll help...

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:34 am
by rainbowgardener
Not sure what your lilac's problem is. Excess nitrogen would tend to suppress blooming, but make the plant grow big. Since yours is not growing, that's probably not the problem.

But it does sound stunted and like it is not getting something it needs, either enough sun or some kind of condition. You didn't say much about how you care for it. Overwatering is one of the things that can cause stunted growth - can cause root rot or just keep the roots from absorbing other nutrients. Lilacs like well drained soil, plenty of sun and neutral to slightly alkaline soil.

You might want to get your soil tested, see what the pH is and if it is deficient in any nutrients.