Cool Member
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Poor man's peppergrass?

This plant/weed is growing all over the yard and it looks and tastes like poor man's peppergrass, however I don't see any flowers to properly identify it. Can anyone confirm?
IMG_1836.JPG (79.94 KiB) Viewed 874 times
There's this other green growing all over that looks a little different and tastes more bland and not peppery at all. Seems like it will have small yellow flowers that will bloom soon.
IMG_1830.JPG (80.17 KiB) Viewed 874 times

Green Thumb
Posts: 532
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The bottom one is dandelion.

Cool Member
Posts: 63
Joined: Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:56 pm
Location: Miami, Florida

Thank you! :)

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