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Mystery Seed Identification

I found a seed today while inspecting one of my potted amaryllis bulbs. I was "testing" a piece of the papery brown flaking around the bulb, it came off instantly, but lo and behold there was this seed hidden in the fold. Thing is, it doesn't really look like an amaryllis seed (according to google images) - if anything, it resembles maybe a sunflower seed? - but I can't see how a single, different seed could have randomly gotten stuck in there.

Any ideas? I'm also all for the "plant it and see what happens" method, but since I'm a newbie at seed germination I'd appreciate any tips. (Should I stick it in the fridge for a while? Should I nick the hard casing, or remove it completely, before putting it in soil? Since it's been sitting around completely dry for a while, is it most likely dead regardless of what kind of seed it is?)

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Looks like a sunflower seed. Sometimes birds or critters bring them from a feeder.

Green Thumb
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I agree sunflower

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Sunflower seed. Are you sure you don't have mice? They'll drop sunflower seeds in strange places.

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Thanks for the help guys!

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