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Plant identification??

I have no idea what this plant is called. Does anyone have any ideas. Any help is much appreciated. I know this is a pretty generic looking plant but the internet doesn't know. :(

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Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

You don't say where you are located but it looks like a young bird's nest fern. The leaves have not got that rippled edge yet and it is easier to confirm the id if that happens. Otherwise it could be some other kind of fern.

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If it helps then I'm located in England (UK) if it needs to be specific then the middle

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I'm not entirely sure what you mean by rippled but theres this thats going on

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Agree, birdnest fern (Asplenium nidus.) Older leaves should develop brown lines of spores (sori) on the back.

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