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What it this bush?

I am desperately looking for a hedge/shrub/bush that my daughter has in her looks like the Ligustrum japonicum Variegated Privet but it is not...the shrub I'm looking for has dark green new growth but turns to paler green on the inside of leaf with pale yellow trim...and has very fragrant branches when trimmed...almost like eucalyptus please grows tall @ 6-8 ft and wide...
any ideas? I'm in Sacramento California...thanks Christine West Sacramento
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Do you have a photo?

How to post photos: [url=]Helpful Gardener's Tips & Suggestions for New Membersp[/url]

Welcome to the forum. :D

Cynthia H.
Sunset Zone 17, USDA Zone 9

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Best bets would by some Ilex crenata cultivar, or one of the MANY Euonymus species and cultivars that have become a ubiquitous part of the suburban landscape. If the leaves are really tiny, probably the holly, otherwise, probably the Euonymus.

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ameyc2 wrote:I am desperately looking for a hedge/shrub/bush that my daughter has in her looks like the Ligustrum japonicum Variegated Privet but it is not...the shrub I'm looking for has dark green new growth but turns to paler green on the inside of leaf with pale yellow trim...and has very fragrant branches when trimmed...almost like eucalyptus please grows tall @ 6-8 ft and wide...
any ideas? I'm in Sacramento California...thanks Christine West Sacramento
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ameyc2 wrote:
ameyc2 wrote:I am desperately looking for a hedge/shrub/bush that my daughter has in her looks like the Ligustrum japonicum Variegated Privet but it is not...the shrub I'm looking for has dark green new growth but turns to paler green on the inside of leaf with pale yellow trim...and has very fragrant branches when trimmed...almost like eucalyptus please grows tall @ 6-8 ft and wide...
any ideas? I'm in Sacramento California...thanks Christine West Sacramento
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not sure how to post the picturs???
Cynthia accidentally posted the wrong link. Take a look at [url=]Posting Pictures & Photos[/url]

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