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Well, I left one to see what it would do next year. Went out yesterday to look at it and the deer have munched it to the ground (was redoing my flower bed and forgot to put the fencing back up). Maybe that's why they've never flowered...the deer keep them eaten...Well we'll just see what happens next year.

On another note, I talked to the person who gave me the tall yellow flowers and she says they are golden quelle...part of the sunflower family. Haven't had time to research it yet, but it wasn't a quick hit.

Super Green Thumb
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Take a look at this site. It maybe a perennial sunflower.


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WOOHOO Finally figured it out. It's actually a type of double cone flower.
called rudbeckia laciniata hortensia golden glow

Here is one of the links I found while doing research. This was a tough one to track down.

Thank you all for your help and suggestions.

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