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Can you Confirm, Deny, or Identify?

Hello wonderful beautiful amazing plant-knowing people. I am brand new here & so deeply happy I found you!

I am plant ignorant (not for lack of trying, my brain just won't compute) and am hoping to find some help identifying the inhabitants of my yard. In return, I can offer you a good chuckle at my expense...since I've spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to figure this out & really, I'm just confusing myself more at this point.

Things that allegedly once resided here: Coneflowers, Chives, Day Lillies, Lilac, Hydrangea, Siberian Iris, Bleeding Hearts, Hyacinths, Thistle, Ajuga, Asters, Chrysogonum, and (gasp) a Rhododendron.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!
Arrow wood? Is this a good thing to have in a garden even?
Arrow wood? Is this a good thing to have in a garden even?
Absolutely no idea - this pic was after I pulled away the other unknown tree/shrub thing that may or may not be Arrowwood
Absolutely no idea - this pic was after I pulled away the other unknown tree/shrub thing that may or may not be Arrowwood
On the Ground: Pretty sure we have some Lilly of the Valley, Blue Violets, and Creeping Myrtle - what I'm curious about is that fella right in the middle that doesn't match (sunlight is creating a nice reference point w/ a spot of yellow) - worthy or weed?
On the Ground: Pretty sure we have some Lilly of the Valley, Blue Violets, and Creeping Myrtle - what I'm curious about is that fella right in the middle that doesn't match (sunlight is creating a nice reference point w/ a spot of yellow) - worthy or weed?
Hosta! Right? For the love I hope that's right. Tall flower next to it? No idea - Coneflower? One is growing through another Hosta? Then after that...low to the ground - again I'm blank.
Hosta! Right? For the love I hope that's right. Tall flower next to it? No idea - Coneflower? One is growing through another Hosta? Then after that...low to the ground - again I'm blank.
Peony! Maybe? Then a bunch of stuff I don't know. Then grassy stuff - Siberian Iris? This is embarrassing.
Peony! Maybe? Then a bunch of stuff I don't know. Then grassy stuff - Siberian Iris? This is embarrassing.
More grassy stuff (or Iris?) and maybe a tall weed, what the heck
More grassy stuff (or Iris?) and maybe a tall weed, what the heck
A clump on a stump - maybe this flowers but I seriously cannot recall - Leo Daisies?
A clump on a stump - maybe this flowers but I seriously cannot recall - Leo Daisies?
Grand finale super duper mystery - these are growing out of 2 small stump-like things - I'm going to laugh & cry if these are weeds or scrap tree-ish things - I'm holding out hope that it's an Oak Leaf Hydrangea...but I'm not even sure if that's a good thing to have!
Grand finale super duper mystery - these are growing out of 2 small stump-like things - I'm going to laugh & cry if these are weeds or scrap tree-ish things - I'm holding out hope that it's an Oak Leaf Hydrangea...but I'm not even sure if that's a good thing to have!

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The grassy stuff looks like chives to me. It would have an onion smell if it is.

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I think we'll need some more close-ups.

what I can see:

first pic - could definitely be arrowwood.
second pic - probably not arrowwood - close up?
third pic - the one highlighted by a sunbeam is probably wild blackberry
fourth pic - yep, hostas. the taller ones next door don't look like coneflower. goldenrod? close up?
five - yep, peony. the farthest right grassy stuff might be siberian iris, wait for flowers. the others...close ups/wait for flowers.
six - again, could be siberian iris. above the pig next to it, will need close ups for tree id.
seven - close-ups, please, especially once/if it flowers
eight - those are mulberry trees

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Mulberry trees?! Ha! That's too funny, never would've thought. I think those are chives!

Thank you so, so much - I can't even tell you how wonderfully helpful/reassuring/relieving this is. I'm about to go out & dig up some Ostrich Ferns that have taken over another bed elsewhere - I will take/post close-ups & and await flowers. :-()

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Arrow wood viburnum -- do you need in garden? I would say definitely YES.

Mine is getting huge now but I planted it to occupy the blank side of the house -- typical cookie cutter development house with minimum to no windows on either sides -- this side has one upstairs window and NOTHING on the first story facade. I did plant it about 8-10 feet out. (Actually not sure if you have enough space in that corner).

Wonderful white umbels of flowers -- early summer I believe? Not yet... Alternating leaf dogwood is blooming right now. -- then blue-black berries that persists. Not as popular as some other berries but will eventually be all consumed by wild birds -- robins, catbirds, cardinals, mockingbirds... to name a few. Robin nested in the branches one year.

The straight, strong upright shoots (name sake -- used for arrows) are plentiful and need thinning -- perfect for using as supports for peas, beans, young tomato plants , etc. You won't need to buy trifling stakes any more.

I'm sure I've posted photos but can't seem to find them right now.

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true chives have round/tubular leaves - those look flat. if they're flat and smell oniony, they're probably garlic chives.

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Full disclosure - I've lived here 11yrs - w/ work, finishing a degree, toddlers (who are now teenagers) I was lucky to have a moment to weed. I'm afraid I have killed, via over-pruning or maybe just pulling it out, much of the 'super easy' perennials that were here:( I just remembered that my girls used to eat the I asked my 12yr old where the were. :oops: Yep, those are the chives! Leaves are flat...but curl into more tubular shape at the bottom...hence why this is all seems so challenging, EVERYTHING is confusing like that! Again, mad respect to ya'll.

I'm happy to hear the Arrowwood is a worthy plant (and to know for certain that's what it is) - heres another embarrassing thing...I may have planted it. :? Is Arrowwood like a Lilac? I planted what was billed as a "late-blooming lilac" in there about 6yrs fill in that corner & create some privacy - purchased from a fundraiser, it was a sad little thing & I thought it died. Maybe not? Or maybe that's what's next to it? Good gravy. I actually thought this was a vine bc it seemed to grow sideways but now I realize it was going for the sun - when I tied it up, it was tall! Trimmed some tree branches to get more sun there - we'll see. Did yours get to 8-10ft Applestar?! If that thing next to mine is not something good, I'll pull it out to make room for sure!

Here are some close-ups - and here's hoping they're not weeds...

I'm adding !potatoes! handy numbers/comments in the pic comments for easy reference (thank you for that!)
*second pic - probably not arrowwood - close up?
*second pic - probably not arrowwood - close up?
*second pic - probably not arrowwood - close up?
*second pic - probably not arrowwood - close up?
*third pic - the one highlighted by a sunbeam is probably wild blackberry
*third pic - the one highlighted by a sunbeam is probably wild blackberry
this is a new random thing that could be a weed but feels 'intentional' in there amid the myrtle
this is a new random thing that could be a weed but feels 'intentional' in there amid the myrtle
*taller ones next door don't look like coneflower. goldenrod?
*taller ones next door don't look like coneflower. goldenrod?
*the others...close ups/wait for flowers. (chives - probably garlic?... that I thought were lilies of some sort)
*the others...close ups/wait for flowers. (chives - probably garlic?... that I thought were lilies of some sort)
*above the pig next to it, will need close ups for tree id. (I didn't even know this was a tree;)
*above the pig next to it, will need close ups for tree id. (I didn't even know this was a tree;)
*seven - close-ups, please, especially once/if it flowers - (hasn't flowered yet but, close up anyway;)
*seven - close-ups, please, especially once/if it flowers - (hasn't flowered yet but, close up anyway;)

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These look daffodil leaves after the spring flowers have finished to me.... But if you didn't have daffodils blooming and they are really much taller -- like 18-24 inches, then they may be common orange daylilies.

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Yes to the goldenrod pic. I noticed it immediately in the first set. I'm just surprised there's not more of it. So maybe I'm wrong. Lol

In the first set pic 3 fella in the middle could be wild violet? Maybe clump on the stump too.
I'm surprised to see it in with lily of the valley though... But perhaps I'm wrong about that ID as well!

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the one with the pig is an elm tree and the picture under that is garlic mustard, an invasive weed, but an edible one.

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the new random thing that could be a weed may be a boxelder seedling.

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