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What is this plant???


The plant in the attached image was given to me. It has sprouted this lovely red and yellow flower but I have no idea how to care for it. I have just repotted it into a larger pot and trimmed the damaged leaves.

Thanks for your help.


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It is a bromeliad. It don't know which variety or genus, but judging from the leaves, it likes to be in part shade. I keep mine on the north side of the house under some ti plants. They get dappled light. Most of mine are not potted. The main thing is that it stays upright. Most of mine are a variety called painted fingernail (neoregelia spectabilis). Bromeliads have to be upright. Larger ones like yours like to be in a loose well drained media (orchid bark is common). Bromeliads are a large family some like to be in full sun (I.e. pineapple), others partial sun to shade. Once the bromeliad blooms it will make offsets or pups. The mother plant will never bloom again. Usually, I let the bromeliad grow in a patch and just pull the mother plants when the patch gets too big. You can pot up the babies after they have grown a while. Bromeliads like to be watered in the cups (leaves) and the leaves are designed to funnel the water down. It rarely needs fertilizer and can be burned if it gets too much. Usually I only give it 1/4 strength miracle grow and only very rarely. Usually the leaves falling from the ti or trees provide enough organic matter for it. Bromeliads do not like to completely dry out but they do need to be well drained or they will rot.

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Great. Thank you very much.

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Look at the pic at the right end in the top row: ... bromeliad/

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imafan26 wrote:It is a bromeliad. It don't know which variety or genus, but judging from the leaves, it likes to be in part shade. I keep mine on the north side of the house under some ti plants. They get dappled light. Most of mine are not potted. The main thing is that it stays upright. Most of mine are a variety called painted fingernail (neoregelia spectabilis). Bromeliads have to be upright. Larger ones like yours like to be in a loose well drained media (orchid bark is common). Bromeliads are a large family some like to be in full sun (I.e. pineapple), others partial sun to shade. Once the bromeliad blooms it will make offsets or pups. The mother plant will never bloom again. Usually, I let the bromeliad grow in a patch and just pull the mother plants when the patch gets too big. You can pot up the babies after they have grown a while. Bromeliads like to be watered in the cups (leaves) and the leaves are designed to funnel the water down. It rarely needs fertilizer and can be burned if it gets too much. Usually I only give it 1/4 strength miracle grow and only very rarely. Usually the leaves falling from the ti or trees provide enough organic matter for it. Bromeliads do not like to completely dry out but they do need to be well drained or they will rot.
Thank you so much. I was looking for informations everywhere! :)

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