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Green Thumb
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These likely not to home compost well?

My experience with the Stinky bin and an educated comment by[url=]cynthia_h[/url] indicates to me my available green life might just not be suited to home compost.

ID, advise? I'll also ask my local nursery in a few weeks if I get out to them (they are far and my schedule is packed).

Tjanks in advance if you can help.


Tree, tall, over 20 feet high in its mature height. Lots of those around, I use their leaves because they fall all year long. Leaves are thick and glossy.


Tree, medium, about 15 feet tall right now at its 17 year height. Shown with nut. These line our street (subdivision is maybe 10 years old) and also good sweepings, leaves start falling about now through the winter. Glossy leaves, thick and smooth edged.


Bush. Annoying. But they're all over the yard so I must keep them in check. Again with the glossy leaves.

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Green Thumb
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Location: Hurry-Cane, Florida USDA10/SZ25


Seems to be a black olive ( )

Likely candidate:

West Indies Mahogany ( )

john gault
Green Thumb
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I compost stuff like that all the time. I have vines growing along a fence in my back yard and periodically rip them down and throw in the compost. Or I use the leaves to throw on one of my many mulched areas.

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Green Thumb
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Location: Hurry-Cane, Florida USDA10/SZ25

yeah, I have a veeery small yard and veeery small compost setup and a strict manicure-look requirement on my 1/12th of an acre (5/6 of which are house or sidewalk).

They will compost but take a large pile and or long time. I was going for super small composting, trying to hit minimum. I can do it but not in an ultra small system.

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