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My Massangeana Cane Plant

My Massangeana Cane Plant is having alot of yellow and Brown tip leaves. I bought it the Spring, keep it inside in low light and water as indicated. I did not re-pot it; just sat it down in a much larger planter.
I do not let it sit in water. I fertilized it last time I watered it. This is supposed to be such an easy care plant that I can't imagine what I am doing wrong. Any ideas?

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Posts: 716
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 10:01 am
Location: Jacksonville, FLZone 9A

First thing is check your water. I'd bet you have tap water with fluoride and some sort of chlorine in it. So either catch some rain water or let a gallon of tap water off-gas for a few days before watering.

Second, low light is relative. These can do well in office interiors, away from windows and with a few days of no flourescents, but they'll do better in brighter conditions. Leaf scald from too much heat and direct sun is possible, though. Mine I kept outside.

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