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Best flower tree/bush for my 60cm planter for UK.?

Hi All

My new plum tree died last year in this planter, so Ive decided to plant a flower bush or tree in this large 60cm planter.

I have no ideas about flowers but I have seen a rose like tree bushes around in England in full flower at this time, anybody know what it could be? or suggest what kind of flower bush or tree I can plant in it, I am looking for something thats flowers pretty early and till late summer. - or should I just plant roses?


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"rose like tree bushes" Could that possibly be peonies:


there are tree peonies that have woody stems like a shrub


Peonies are stunning in bloom and come in a fabulous range of colors- every conceivable white, pink, red, purple, and some yellows and bi-colors. However, they have a very brief bloom season, just a couple weeks. The rest of the year they are a pretty ordinary looking green plant. You can have peonies in bloom for longer by planting different varieties with different bloom times, but you can't do that with just one pot.

For a shrub for your pot that would bloom longer, Endless summer hydrangea is a reblooming variety. Regular pruning will keep it blooming for a couple months.

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so was I right, are the "rose like tree bushes" peonies? :)

I checked and this list of what flowers bloom in what month in England ... nth/april/

says that peonies are indeed in bloom in April.

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If you have a trellis to situate the pot and support the plant, you could also consider flowering vines — ideally something not too vigorous that will die back but not get root killed in the pot during winter, and doesn’t require extraordinary winter protection .... Maybe clematis or hardy jasmine? You could also consider annuals.

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Hello, Husk24. What caused the new plum tree to die off in that pot?

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