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Sunflower Help! Brown Spots on Leaves?

Hi everyone,
I started growing sunflowers about two months ago and it's been going great but recently, I've been seeing some brown spots on my leaves.
It's sort of like a burn marks on several leaves ranging from small spots on the tips to big sections.

I'm wondering what this is and if there's any way to prevent this from happening to all of my leaves.
Any help is much appreciated!!

Thank you.
Photo Jun 10, 5 22 26 PM.jpg
Photo Jun 10, 5 22 17 PM.jpg

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Joined: Wed Jun 24, 2015 4:46 pm

I had similar issues on my sunflowers last year and it spread quite rapidly. I ripped out and burned any badly affected plants and sprayed a fungicide on the ones that weren't too badly effected and that seemed to do the trick; something like Headline should do the trick. Looks like some sort of Fungus; move your sun flowers next year as if it is the fungus will over-winter in the soil.

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