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Anyone know what this is?

This is a plant that came up in one of my flower beds several years ago, at first there was only one, and I wasn't sure what it was so I left it and it flowered and the bees and butterflies just LOVE it....and it keeps coming back and spreading. I would really like to know what it is, but nobody I have asked has a clue.


Thanks for looking.


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common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca), close relative of 'butterfly weed (A. tuberosa), so the butterfly thing is unsurprising. nice plants. the spring shoots of common milkweed can be blanched in a couple changes of hot water and eaten like asparagus. hurray for wild foods

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Bless your heart! I'm so glad to know what this is, and that it's something I will want to keep (attracts monarch and many other butterflies). I googled it immediately! Thanks again.


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