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Elephant Ears

I have had one for years. I thought it is a hosta (oversized hosta) and treat it like all my hosta, and never dig it up unless I want to divide it.
I got some more, an now read it is a tender bulb, and is to be dug up every year in the fall and winter indoors (like my dahlias, I guess).

My normal hosta is all over the yard, my elephant ear is by the house where the dryer vent warms the area. I wanted to put these elephant ears in garden beds that are not close to the house, but now I am unsure if they will winter ok.

So are Elephant ears more tender then normal hosta? Or if my other hosta does ok not being dug up, will this do ok also?

The Helpful Gardener
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That you have gotten away with it this long is simply all about the dryer vent, I'm sure. Had you not added that piece of info I would have been it is working I would leave it, but anywhere else in the yard is doomed, even in Portsmouth. Hostas are Europeans, Alocasia and Colocasia are southeast Asians; taro is an Alocasia!

Amazed you pulled it off this long... :shock:


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I would just say dumb luck. :lol:
Normally I read up on a plant I buy, but this time thinking I knew what I had, I didn't.

The Helpful Gardener
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Better lucky than good any day, MT! :lol:

Just play it off like you meant to do it all along; we'll never tell...


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I've grown elephant ears all my life and I've always dug the bulbs up in the fall. I usually keep one in a giant pot in the house over the winter. Now I'm curious to see what would happen if I plant some by my dryer vent...hhhhmmmmm.

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I'm in Zone 6a and I don't have to dig up my elephant ears here. We simply cut them off at ground level and cover with mulch for the winter. They come back up again in the spring when mother nature says its ok.

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Same here I live in northeast Tn and I have never dug mine up
and they come back. I also have a persian palm that comes back.
It doesnt get as big as it should but it looks different. I bought it just trying to see if it would survive in my area.

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