Ole Dummy
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Can Dusty Miller Plants be Divided?

Can I divide my Dusty Miller plants ? They are getting to big for where they are planted.


The Helpful Gardener
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DM is an Artemisia, and like most of it's brethren, it's pretty vigourous, so have at it...


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The Helpful Gardener wrote:DM is an Artemisia, and like most of it's brethren, it's pretty vigourous, so have at it...

Absolutely! :D

Actually, I have one that is too big for the location in which I planted, so I plan to dig it up and move it.

Ole Dummy
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Thanks, I have never done any flower gardening and have just move into a new house and would like to plant some perennials so will have many more questions I am sure.

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Ole Dummy,

A couple of days ago, I dug up my Dusty Miller with the intention of just moving it but it seperated into a few different plants. I planted them in 2 different spots (about 1 foot apart), gave them some Vitamin B, some fresh top soil and a good drink of water and they seem to be doing fine.

Have you divided up yours yet?

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