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Avocado from water to soil

Hello ,
I have two avocados plants growing in water very fast very strong and healthy it's been almost 15 days that I transferred them to soil they stopped growing one of them half of he leaf dried but the other one no but they stopped their progress , could you tell me if they will die or I just need patient ?
I have a good temperature , soil , and no direct sun .
see the Photos for more details .
avocado 1.jpeg
avocado 1.jpeg (16.11 KiB) Viewed 1419 times
avocado 2.jpeg
avocado 2.jpeg (23.74 KiB) Viewed 1419 times

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I've had minimal success growing out avocado plants but I keep trying. Had two grow to about 24" years ago but eventually died and have been unlucky ever since. Any magic ideas for increasing the odds of success? Don't care about fruit but just want a nice potted plant indoors that I have nurtured along. Thanks for any response!

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Avocados are fun to grow from seed after eating the fruit. They make great projects.

I’m almost cavalier casual about it anymore, but let me see if I can note some pointers.

1. Seed from fully ripe fruit that hasn’t been refrigerated is generally more likely to grow. There’s a tendency to cut avocado in half, twist and slip off the one half without the seed, and refrigerate the other half with the attached seed for later. But those are more difficult and take longer to wake up.

2. Water method or soil method will work, but make sure not to submerge the seed in water or bury the seed completely. Always leave 2/3 of the upper part of the seed exposed. And be patient — typically about 3~5 weeks before germinating/sprouting.

3. Transfer to well drained potting mix that 6 inches or deeper (8 inch deep container) relatively early if using water method.

4. Avocado is prone to sunburn — grow in limited direct sun but bright dappled shade especially while young. If growth is spindly, provide more light. Don’t be afraid to prune to control height and spread, but know that avocado will be triggered to start growing multiple branches when it’s good and ready (old enough) and not so much when younger.

5. Avocado is not salt tolerant. That I think might extend to excessive fertilizing if not using organic fertilizer since salt build-up in the soil can occur without regularly flushing the soil with plain water. Some tap water can be high in salts as well


Remember that most avocado fruits from cross pollination of two genetically different varieties, which means most seeds won’t grow true. But it IS fun to grow an them and they do make relatively easy houseplants.

I have grown some to over 7 years or so needed for them to start blooming, but so far have not been successful in hand pollinating to get them to pollinate and set fruit. For me, I think part of the problem is they bloom during the winter (if they do at all) and I can’t maintain the necessary conditions conducive to blooming and pollinating.

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Remember water roots are not the same as soil roots. I don't plant avocados from seed because they don't breed true and it will take a minimum of 7 years to find out if the fruit is good. Not to mention avocado is a 40-50 ft tree so it needs a lot of space.

When I have started them before. I always planted them in the soil. The seed pod can be soaked until it splits and that will speed it along. Bury the seed 2 inches deep in a 1 gallon pot with potting soil in full sun. I can't tell you how long it takes. For me it is a set it and forget it thing. We only use avocado seedlings as root stock to graft scions from a known variety.

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Sorry that the pic is sideways but I consider it a success as I was unable to post anything before now! Still working on perfecting this so we'll see how it goes.

My first avocado in ten years gets in a pot...

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:-() Happy to see it has met my timeline :>

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