A Happy Seedling
Green Thumb
Posts: 303
Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:41 pm
Location: USDA Hardiness Zone 7a

Starting Seeds I Had Dried

I have a variety of seeds all in the same plastic bag. I put the "seedless" clementine seeds into a paper towel and put them, um, either on the windowsill or in the fridge, lol. The starfruit seeds went in paper towels on the windowsill. The apple and pear seeds went into a glass of water in the fridge, and they will stay there for a week. (I have germinated pear seeds like this before and it worked.) Now, what do I do with the pumpkin seeds and the cattail seeds? I planted some pumpkins in a cardboard box for seed starting, but I have more. And the cattails need clayey, poor, swamped soil, right? Or good soil, but still swamped? Thanks!

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