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Green Thumb
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Air under pots?

I was out buying screws last night for my greenhouse construction at Menard's, and met a guy that has his own greenhouse. He showed me pictures, it was a set-up that I will have when funds become available.

anyhow the question:

He said that shelves for seedlings and plants in general need to be not on a solid shelf, but a slatted shelf for air movement under the pot. I have never heard of this and would like your take on this.

his set-up had single 1x1's on a 2x4 or 6 frame 1x1's spaced 2" OC as to create an air gap. Does this help? is it necessary?

BTW Menard's was selling pots 1qt-1gal for $0.25 each. I bought 18. prob should have cleaned them out, but didn't want to take the last couple stacks.

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The air under the bench does a couple of things.

1) improves air circulation around and between pots

2) helps pots dry faster. It does not restrict the drainage from the pots.

3) air prunes roots that may be coming out of the pots

I cannot say that it is necessary.

People do use benches with plywood tops.

The pots do stay wetter longer so they don't need to water as often

Pots have most of their drain holes on the bottom. I like to get pots with drain holes on the sides as well. Otherwise when you set the pots on a solid bench or tray, the water does not freely drain. I have a few more floating seedlings.

The bench top does start to darken and over time it will soften from having water on it.

The water invariably drains toward me as it rolls off the top.

I tend to over water, so I kill less plants if they are allowed to dry out.

I don't have problems with algae or mold growing on my bench master, but I do still bleach it once in a while.

Greener Thumb
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everyone has an opinion, and multiple other things.

it's not a bad idea.
it's not "required" / "essential" / whatever

just aside, a bench top that stays constantly wet will not long a bench top be; turns into "rotted away wood"

not at all sure what air on the bottom of a pot is going to do, unless the plants are so root-bound the air kills the roots coming out the holes . . . as mentioned. but my first thought is "being that root-bound" is not a good thing - happens perhaps in commercial operations, should _not_ be in a gardener's greenhouse.

my benches were 4" heart redwood boards, abutting. they drained. right on top of the stuff on the lower shelf . . .

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