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Prayer for hardening off seedlings

Well I started hardening my tomatoes, peppers, and egg plant on Saturday. The last few days have been their full days in slight sun. Today we had a good chance of rain so I put them well under the eve of my house and on the North side since supposedly there was suppose to be a 5-10 mph south wind. Well I left the house after putting them out this morning and went to the gym before work, and noticed the wind when leaving the gym is now coming out of the NE. So much for weather forecasts in helping me with my plants!

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FYI - I harden off tomatoes a week or two ahead of peppers and eggplants. Eggplants go out last, a week after peppers. When I try to rush the eggplants, they fold up their leaves (Kind of funny in light of your topic title because I always thought they looked like hands held together in prayer) and sulk.

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