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Probably going to have to start over

My seedlings were leggy to begin with before I could get my lights set up. Then on Monday, we got a call from the boyfriend's mom, saying that his father was in the hospital with chest pain and left arm pain. So we've spent the past 4 days at the hospital. Everything is okay with his dad, no heart attack as far as they could tell. They sent him home with instructions to stop smoking, lose weight, reduce stress, etc.

So today will be spent catching up on all the chores that didn't get done. And pulling out all of my dried out, shriveled seedlings and starting fresh.


Full Member
Posts: 25
Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:43 pm
Location: Western MA

I managed to save a few of my leggy tomato seedlings by up potting them and putting them directly under the lights (prob an inch or so away from the bulbs.) I just checked on them, and they all have started their first set of true leaves. Granted they are tiny right now, but all is not lost with them!

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