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Would you take your seedlings on vacation with you?

I have a 200 cell tray loaded with a variety of vegetable seedlings that were planted March 28th. Most are about 2 inches high (onions, tomatoes, peppers, spinach, shallots). The tomatoes are just about to show their true leaves...

In a couple days we will be taking our travel trailer and be gone for a week. I don't know if I should take them with us... seems like a crucial time to watch over them - I'm not sure since it's my first time growing from seed. If I take the tray with us, it would have to travel in the trailer and could get bounced around and the temp would flux quite a bit. I'm pretty sure that's a bad thing.

No family/friends live nearby that I would trust them to.... what would you do?

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Get a house sitter, they also take care of pets and plants.

Some plants I have don't even like going down the hill for an hour especially on a hot afternoon.

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Green Thumb
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We use capillary matting to create a self watering area for the plants. Basically you put the pre-wet matting on a piece of plastic with one edge of the matting falling off the edge into a big pot of water. Don't let any other piece of the matting dip off the edge of the flat plastic covered surface. Put the cell tray directly on the matting so the holes are resting on the matting surface. The matting will draw water from the big reservoir and self water the plants. Of course, this needs to be done where you have the lighting set up for the plants as well.

We've got a trip coming up and we plan to set up capillary matting to self water our plants again this year. The hardest part is to be sure you provide a big enough reservoir for the timeframe that you are away for.

Good luck and have a safe trip! :)

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