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how much light is too much?

I have a couple of questions about lighting for seed starting. I have two 48 inch T5 grow lights with the hood. Long story, but I got one for free. I have one of those adjustable stands so you can raise up the light. Since I have two lights - I rigged it so they are both next to each other hanging. Now, instead of one - I run two. Under it is a pair of those 72-cell seed starters, each with a heat mat.

This "kit" only had one light to start with. I presume Hydrofarm thought one light was enough.

Primarily I'm going to be growing hot peppers, although I'm also playing with parsley, tomatoes and cilantro. I mostly care about the peppers.

So could I be overdoing it? I've got these lights now running 17 hours a day, and they are probably 3 inches from the spouts.

I've noticed my cayenne pepper leaves (only about 2 leaves per sprout so far) are turning purple.

Perhaps with two of the lights - they could be 2X farther away or run 1/2 as much?

Finally - it's now about 75-80 by day in Atlanta. Should I move the trays outside during sunny days, or just keep them in my little lab?

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If you are talking total of two TUBES of 48" T-5's hanging side-by-side then you are in luck because one tube actually isn't enough to light the full width of a tray.

It's not so much question of too much light as too hot. T-5's are hotter than T-8's or T-12's. You don't want the leaves to touch the tubes and I think 1" is getting too close. 3-4" is probably ideal.

You could reduce to 16 hrs without adverse effect.

However, it may be getting too late for you to plant cilantro now. Cilantro will bolt immediately when it gets hot. If it's still in the 60‘s at night, you may be able to plant them outside in a somewhat shady area that only gets morning sun. I have similar concerns about the timing to plant the other things. It's probably time to plant the tomatoes already?

You can put them out in the sun but gradually. They are not used to the hot direct sun or buffeting wind, and the soil in the little cells will dry out easily.

Check out this thread :wink:
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Thanks for the info! It sounds like I've got it just about right...still unsure why some of the pepper leaves are turning a little purple around the edges. Some said that's "sunburn" from the lights - others say it's normal while under lights?

The cilantro - thanks for the tip....with luck, I'll be OK. But if not - I'm mostly worried about me peppers...the peppers are ghost peppers and moruga scorpions...this is my first run at seed starting...

Pretty sure I have my moisture balance right Half of them, I used one kind of expanding peat pellets. They swelled up and didn't fit properly in the tray inserts - and thus, the dirt/peat doesn't go to the bottom and they don't wick up water from the tray bottom. The rest - those pellets (I think Jiffy) expanded to look like regular dirt. The peat pellets spouted quickly (maybe because the seeds were shallow?) but now the spouts look only moderate quality. They have also been dryer overall. The Jiffy dirt right next to them - appears way more healthy.

One other question here - on a few, I must have used a few seeds vs. one - so I've got little clusters of sprouts. I've got probably 35 total pepper sprouts. Of course, I'd like to produce a ton of peppers. But my real goal is to have moderate success at least - and at the end of the season, at least be able to dry enough to get a ton of seeds for next year).

Each sprout is a single plant. If I had success with all of them - that's a ton of plants. I don't know if I'm to assume that if I'm lucky - a majority of them will grow into great plants - or if there is known waste - like I need 35 spouts but maybe only 5 will survive in the end?

I ask because I don't have room to plant 35 outside (maybe 10-15) - so figured I'd give some to neighbors as a gift. But I don't want to give any away if only a small handful will ultimately make it. Thanks in advance - love this forum!

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Sixteen hours per day of light is pretty common. Seventeen will not hurt. As for the lights, two tubes is best and a good combination of tubes is for one to a warm white and one cool white. That gets you a full spectrum of light which is important. My tubes are placed at about one inch from the tops of the plants. They will not burn the leaves unless your tubes are the very hot types.

As for purple leaves, this is very common. You may have a slight deficiency of phosphorus in your potting mix, but since the seedlings don't need a lot, as soon as you plant them out the purple will go away. Another reason for the purple may be that the nighttime temperature may be just a little low. This will cause no harm either.

Have you re-potted your seedlings after they got to the true leaf stage? It is a good idea to transplant the plants to individual cells/pots at this stage. They will grow better and develop a stronger root system.

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Thanks for the feedback. I have little green plastic 4 inch cups I plan to transplant into. I figure I'll put the same soil in them I have awaiting them outside in my new garden (dirt and manure mix). But they are only about 1 to 2 inches tall so far, and most just have 2 leaves. A few are just now showing 3-4 leaves. I though it was best to wait until the roots begin to grow out the bottom?

Side note - as with these cellular trays - the green pots have holes in the bottom. Should I put them all in a big bin, and just make sure there is always a tiny bit of water in the bin? So it wicks up into these larger pots? Will it in fact wick up enough to meet the plant, or might the top of the little pot dry out, and should I just water them all from the top?

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