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seed starting questions from new member

Hi everyone, I am a new member from northern Michigan(zone 5) and I am getting ready to start some vegetable seeds for the first time. I am starting them in my basement that stays between 62-65 degrees. I have two shop light fixtures for a total of four daylight bulbs. I also have two heat mats for the two flats I have(144 cells). I have a heavy white sheet over the whole set up and it's all sitting on a table. I do not have any seeds planted yet but I noticed a whitish/grey mold starting on the surface of the soil. I bought some cinnamon and chamomile tea to have on hand and also have some hydrogen peroxide in the cupboard. What would be the best way to treat this or should I worry about it. Also I have a question on running a fan for air circulation, would the fan cool the whole set up down too much? Right now the soil is staying around 70 degrees or slightly higher and the lights are keeping the soil surface between 75-80 degrees. Any help from you experienced gardeners would be appreciated. Thank you. ps. I will try to post pics of my set up when I charge my camera(darn kids lol.)

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The fact that the soil is molding already sounds like it is staying too wet. Are you using peat pots? How are you watering?

Check out the seed starting basics Sticky at the top of this section. Watering is the trickiest issue for seed starting. Seeds and baby seedlings can't be allowed to dry out or they die. But they are also very sensitive to too much water. You want to aim for consistently just damp. IMHO, easiest obtained with plastic cells/ pots in trays, bottom watered.

Fan is helpful for air circulation and moderating the humidity. It should be just a small fan, on maybe a couple hours a day and so will not cool the set up down much.

What seeds will you be planting?

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Rainbowgardener,thank you for the reply, I am using plastic seed cells and flats and have been watering from the bottom. The soil is very damp but not saturated. It is probably still too wet. I will let it dry out a bit more before I plant. I am going to start with some peppers and tomatoes at first them some cabbage,cucumbers,squash and some melons. Like I stated it is my first time starting seeds so I want to start kinda small at first. Should I leave the mold or treat it? Also where is the best place to purchase seeds? Thanks again.

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You can probably just scoop / peel the mold off the top of the cells and pitch it. Put a bit of dry soil down where you took the mold off, to help dry everything out.

Seeds are pretty much seeds. I don't think it much matters where you buy them as long as you aren't looking for exotic varieties.

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rainbowgardener,thanks for the help. I will do that and plant in a couple of days.

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