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Starting tomato seeds

I have a 72 seed tray and seed ready to be filled.

Do I have to have a light for doing this? Or will placing the tray in a sunny window be good enough?

Also this is a good time to start them right? I live in TN zone 7A

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I'm inclined to move your question to the Seed Starting Forum, so don't be surprised if this thread has been moved. Have you read the stickies there? Most of the basics are covered.

But answering your question, I think this is the right time to start tomato seeds for your area, but it will depend more on your last average frost date. I will be starting my main tomato seeds this week and next and my last average frost date is 3rd-4th week of April.

Yes, You really need lights -- 24" two tube fixture or two utility lights with 26W CFL bulbs per tray.

Personally I don't like using those 72 cell trays. Other people may have different experience. Seeds never germinate/sprout at the same time or grow at the same rate unless you are growing 72 cells of exactly the same hybrid variety bred to germinate and grow at the same time. With only a small backyard garden, only occasion I ever had for using a 72 cell tray was when I was growing plugs of Buffalo Grass.

Here is how I'm starting mine this year, but I normally start tomato seeds in community containers, one variety per container, using 4" pots or recycled/repurposed pint size deli, berry, cottage cheese, etc. containers.
:arrow: ... hp?t=50775

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experimenting , , , didn't work . .

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Yes, you really need lights. As applestar said, ordinary shop light fixture with fluorescent tubes will do fine. But it needs to be hung so the light is just 2-3" above the plants and can be raised as they grow. On 16 hrs a day.

I do start everything in the 72 cell trays. I put them on heat mats which really helps with germination and getting started and I need to conserve space on the heat mats. I crowd them in the cells. Once they are well sprouted and preferably have their first true leaves (but maybe not if too crowded), I move them out off the mat and in to their own individual cell. By the time the first ones have waited some days, usually most of the seeds have sprouted, and moving them off the heat mat may be a process that goes on a little bit at a time for awhile.

Yes, time to start them. I planted mine a few days ago. I'm in zone 6 and I waited longer this year than sometimes to plant them.

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I START ALL MY SEEDS IN boxes about 15 by 10 grape boxes about 4 inches deep! The reason I do that is time. I can put in 20 boxes and seperate them into seed flats later when its a little warmer and I can set them even in cold frames because they take up so much space ab=nd need light especially when you have 40 flats from the seeds I grow in boxes! They say tomatoes grow stronger when you trans plant them several times! I put in another 10 boxes today. I have about 30 boxes so far of everything even peppers! I have peas a foot high and willl eave them vine in the greenhouse!

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