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What are your favorite zuchinni recipes?

I have been looking around and mostly the recipes I find are bread related. I'm looking for more easy fresh ways to prepare it.

What are your favorites?

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I dislike zucchini that is overcooked and watery. My favorite way to make it is to cut it in thin, crosswise slices, then steam it very lightly ... just a few minutes, until it's tender-crisp, barely fork-tender. I like it topped with a little butter, and sometimes, a light sprinkle of shredded parmesan or Sbrinz cheese. :)

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Sorry I didn't the [url=]"Zuchinni or not"[/url] post when I posted this one. I even went through the page a few time looking at certain things. :oops:

But last night I just threw some stuff together for dinner and thought I would add it here. Not really a recipe I like to cook by feel.

But I cut half a zucchini (it was a huge one) sliced and quartered it than did the same to a cucumber and some fresh cherry tomatoes than added some chopped onion, garlic and fresh basil. I added a little olive oil (next time forget the oil) and some balsamic vinegar and spices. I than mixed all this together in a large bowl. Than split the mixture and put into foil packs with a slab of butter and liberally sprinkled with Parmesan cheese. This was put on the grill and came out pretty good.

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I made Zucchini parmasan out of 2 HUGE, Monsterchini last night, and my whole family though it was insanely good. Better than eggplant ;)

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My favorite zucchini recipe:
Station self by stop sign on busy road.
Wait for car with open windows to stop.
Throw zucchini into back seat of car.
Run like crazy.
Hey! Now THAT's a pretty good idea....

I actually laughed so loud at this that the cat came round the corner to check the ruckus :D

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my 2 months eating semi paleo has me finding veggie subs for alot of common foods. here is one that turned out awesome and I can't wait to plant my own zucchs and eggplants next year!

3 zucchs
1 eggplant
1 batch of whatever homemade lasagna recipe you want

Never making lasagna, I used the recipe it came with, but if you have a lasagna filling recipe, u can use that. cut the eggplant and zucch's lengthwise into thin strips, basically making lasagna'esque pasta shells out of them. roast them for about 45 mins on 350(I used this time to make the filling). after they come out, put a small layer of filling, put a layer of zucch's, another layer of filling, a layer of eggplant, layer of filling, rest of zucch's, top with fav cheese and bake(I forget the time you bake it for, but I'll update when I find the recipe!)

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hey there....have you tried oven fried fresh zuchini? I posted a topic on it's own thread with my own recipe might want to try it, if you likes herbs and parmeasan this recipe is a must!

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Death By Chocolate Zucchini Cake. I think I may have posted the recipe elsewhere in the forum, but it's so good that it bears repeating at least the link here.

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