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Home made HAZELNUT creamer -- turned out great!

Home made hazelnut creamer -- did this for the first time off the cuff, but it really turned out great! :D

- 1+ cup raw shelled hazelnuts - put on baking sheet on parchment and roast 8 minutes at 325°F

- Lift out by the parchment and pour the nuts into paper towel-lined bowl. When cool enough to handle, rub between fingers to slip off brown papery skin.

- Put 1 cup peeled toasted hazelnuts and 1/4 tsp sea salt in small milk pan with 2 cups of water and bring to simmer.

- Transfer to blender container and gradually increase speed until thoroughly ground and liquified.

- Strain through fine mesh strainer, pushing down on the pulp -- this is hazelnut cream.

- Return the pulp to the blender pitcher and add 1 cup hot-boiling water. Blend well. Strain into a separate container. -- this is low-fat hazelnut milk (good enough to drink)

- Combine as much of the cream and milk as you like to obtain full to half-and-half creamer (I used 2 parts cream to 1 part milk). I didn't pre-sweeten the creamer because I prefer to add sweetener at time of drinking according to my moods, but you could.

--- I saved the strained/spent hazelnut meal and put back on the parchment to bake at low temp to dry a bit. I'm going to use it for baking something.

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I'm sure that was good, apple, as hazelnuts have always been my favorite nut! I just rediscovered some recipes that I must try in a cookbook - Truly Mexican - in which the author uses hazelnuts, in place of the usual almonds, in moles and other salsas.

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Looking forward to your review of this cookbook pepperhead. I bought that one you recommended for curry - 6xx curries or something like ( It's downstairs and I'm too lazy to go look. :> ) and I love it.

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OK, a use for that hazelnut meal. :wink:

I used this recipe --

Hazelnut loaf recipe - goodtoknow ... loaf/print

-- subbed for hazelnuts with same weight of hazelnut meal, added a double-glug of hazelnut creamer above, a glug of 2nd fermented (with orange wedge and cinnamon stick) foamy cow's milk kefir, subbed portions of the sugar with vanilla sugar and a bit of honey, and added a glug of diSaronno. Plus a little dribble of sunflower oil. Used 170g bread flour and 50g whole white wheat flour. Made a slit along the length the top of the batter (which turned out thick like muffin batter plopped into the loaf pan by silicone spatula fulls, then smoothed even) and inserted 1/2 tsp triangles of butter pats before baking.

Light, airy and delicious tea cake -- OK NOT a teacake ...apparently the definition does not match this particular lovely cake. :D

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Chocolate-Hazelnut Coconut Cream Custard


- Blend and refrigerate overnight -
1 cup hazelnut meal from hazelnut milk made with 2nd keurig brew -- not obsessively squeezed out
1/2 cup vanilla sugar
6 heaping teaspoon = 1/4 cup Silly Cow toasted marshmallow milk cocoa mix
4 Tbs unsalted cultured butter

- Beat in with hand mixer -
3 whole eggs and 1 egg yolk
1 cup TJ's coconut cream, can warmed in water to dissolve coconut oil, then thoroughly shaken before opening
(I have issues with this product because it contains additives, but it does work well in recipes)
3/4 cup vanilla sugar + 1/4 cup sugar
6 heaping teaspoons = 1/4 cup baking cocoa
1 tsp sea salt
Good splash DiSaronno almond liqueur

- prepare Pyrex loaf pan by thoroughly buttering with unsalted cultured butter
- pour in the custard mix and bake at 325°F in water pan for 1 hr 20 minutes until set, rotating once. Test with bamboo skewer
- cool on rack for 15 minutes

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Applestar -

I love Hazlenut creamer in my coffee. I quit using it after I paid attention to the ingredients. BARF - nothing real.

Your recipe sounds wonderful. I will look for hazelnuts and try it.

As always you are the BOMB!

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I normally drink tea "black" but I recently bough Tazo organic Darjeeling and this tea bag makes very strong tea. For some reason, my DD's who very recently "discovered" taste for tea likes this tea but only steeping for "a minute or two" and oolong tea.

...anyway, today I left MY teabag in too long So tried it with home made creamer made with 3 parts raw, untoasted hazelnuts and 1 part dehydrated flaked coconuts, no salt (in the nut milk), no sugar in the tea, and this tastes REALLY YUMMY :)

-- I've been making the nutmilk (almond or hazelnut) combined with coconut because I discovered this way, the coconut oil gets emulcified by the nut oil and doesn't turn in to hard, floating oil-berg, while enriching the resulting full-fat creamer.

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Yesterday, I was making some nut cream/milk (half-and-half) -- I don't measure any more, so I just took handfuls of raw almonds, last of the unsweetened coconut flakes, some of the TJ's organic healthy snack mix (sweetened dried cranberries, almonds and cashews)... and decided to toast them all first as a change of pace. Only thing was, I made a mistake in the oven setting and toasted them for 15 minutes at 350°F instead of 12 minutes at 325°F like I usually do. Then got distracted and did NOT check on their progress until the oven dinged. They looked black. :shock:

But I wasn't going to waste them, so I filled the blender pitcher to almost 3 cups with cold water and poured them hot from the parchment paper. They sizzled as they hit the water. Then I ran the blender as usual, adding 1/2 tsp of sea salt. The resulting "smoothie" was warm/tepid. Strained and added to the nutmilk kefir grains for the new batch of nutmilk kefir as usual and refrigerated the left over 1 cup separately.

I remembered it at lunch time and put it in my 2nd mug of coffee -- French Roast -- with a bit of honey and ground cinnamon.... OH MY! Absolutely delicious! Not tasting burned at all. Fabulously nutty and mellow. Image

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Cashew nut milk is good in coffee too — naturally creamy.

Cashew milk - 1 cup overnight soaked (I used store bought toasted salted cashews — I don’t trust raw cashews in case I am or develop allergic reaction), 4 cups filtered water, maple syrup, vanilla extract, sea salt

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