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Saved from the garbage...courgettes

Yesterday my man and I were out on a adventure, and what we always do on these adventures are look out for stuff that other people have dumped by the roadside that we can use. Usually its furniture we pick up, or scrap metal which we sell to a recycling place, but yesterday's surprise find was a huge bin full of courgettes. FRESH perfectly nice courgettes. So we gathered up a couple of bags full(though I'm wishing I'd gotten more now)
I'm hoping you guys can help me with some interesting recipes.
I have a couple of jars picking already, and I'd really like to try making a courgette cake if anyone has a recipe for that.

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What is a courgette?

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I think they're summer squash ... zucchini, probably, and maybe yellow squash, too.

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Yes, its a zucchini.

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Here's my all-purpose Banana-Nut-Berry-Veg Bread Recipe. Sorry syntheticbutterfly, but you'll have to do the conversions. Enjoy! :D

Applestar's Banana-Walnut-Cranberry-Broccoli (shhh!) Bread {080115}
Adapted from:

Use the butter and flour in the recipe to prepare a loaf pan by buttering the bottom and sides. Lightly flour the pan and tap out the excess flour (back into the flour bowl).
I used a Pyrex glass loaf pan, but any loaf pan around 5 in. by 9 in. (13 cm by 23 cm) should work.


6 Tbs. unsalted butter, melted
2 VERY~OVER ripe bananas, frozen/fresh or 2/3 cup pumpkin puree
2 Tbs honey
2/3 cup finely chopped broccoli florets/shredded zucchini (about 5") or carrots
2 large eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract


1-1/3 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. baking powder
2/3 cup sugar
1/2 tsp. sea salt
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/8 tsp freshly ground nutmeg
2/3 cup walnuts broken up by hand into small pieces (chopping makes the pieces too small)

1/2 cup fresh/frozen cran/berries (or 1/4~1/3 cup dried?) or 1 fresh kiwi chopped

Preheat toaster oven to 350ºF.

Butter loaf pan with the butter or brush muffin pan with or without muffin paper with veg oil.

Cut up the butter and melt in a medium bowl over boiling water (or in microwave). If defrosting bananas/pumpkins, (soak in a bowl of warm water until skin is sufficiently defrosted to peel, then) put the frozen peeled bananas or cooked/puréed pumpkin in the bowl with butter to defrost.

Put the flour in a large bowl, use as much as required to dust the buttered loaf pan, then combine and whisk all the dry ingredients except for the walnuts.

Once the butter has melted, add honey. Remove from heat and mash together. Beat each egg in a small bowl then add one at a time mixing after each one. Remove from heat and add shredded veg. Add vanilla and thoroughly mix together.

Pour the wet ingredients over the dry ingredients. Add walnuts and berries. Then, using a large rubber spatula, fold the flour and the banana/pumpkin mixtures together, turning the bowl, just until no more dry flour is uncovered (DON'T OVERMIX).

Pour into the prepared loaf pan or use reg or mini muffin batter scoop to fill the pans and bake for 50/23/18 minutes or until tester comes out clean.
Cool in pan on wire rack for 10 min. then turn out and continue to cool on wire rack. Serve warm or cooled.

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Wow thanks for sharing that recipe. I actually use cups because I haven't got scales so thats cool and I its another way to use pumpkin which I love.

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I posted a recipe for zucchini pie at this link. It tastes like apple pie. :)

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